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Aurora Valley Grand Prix Rap Lyric

Saate iyoiyo hajimari!
At last it�fs the beginning
Oorora tani no guranpurin
Of the Aurura Valley Grad Prix
Dare ga katsu no ka tanoshimi
Who is thirsting for excitement?
Sutaato junchou! Sou ha mieru kedo
OK! Start! So there appears to be
Mondai nano ha kono saki
Problems up ahead.
Nani ga aru no ka dokidoki!Sou mura kara choito hazuretemireba
This area will be exciting! The village cannot fail
Yuki yuki yuki mata yuki! Tsuzuku sandou!
So it can Snow, snow, snow, and snow again! Continue on the mountain trail!

Ooi eei! Iei iei iei!
Ohh Yeah! Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Hai haha hai haai!
Yes YeYe Yes Yes!
Suupaa sutokku sabaki ha azayaka
Deciding the contest by super stockcar racing is brilliant
Sutenmaruku ka basu maiyaa!
Stain mark ka bus
Makeruna makeruna senchou!
The Captain must lose, lose!
Kanji kibashiri de LET'S GO!
I feel like a songbird treecreeper, Let�fs GO!
Hitottobi futattobi...
One leap, two leaps
Sou ha ikanai ka ikanai ka!
Is there a doctor?! A doctor?!

Saate kondo ha hamukukku ga atama wo totta yo
As of now, HamCook is ahead
Kaname chekku!
At the Check Point!
Dousuru Hamutaro dousuru ne!?
What are you going to do about it, Hamutaro, what are you going to do?!
Oikake oikose dousuru ne!?
Are you going to chase him?! Are you going to pass him!?
Chekku pointo sono ni ha mou sugu da yo!
The next Check point is nearby!
Ganbare! Ganbare!
Keep it up! Keep it up!
Ii yo ii yo!
Lets Go! Lets Go!

Saate kochira ha amefuri touge choujou atarimachi bouke
This rainy mountain pass is a splendid adventure towards reaching check point
Shitoshito pichanko jitojito zaa
Gentle sound rain drops catapulting everywhere
Guranpurin ha dounatta!?
Who will Win the Grand Prix?
Ganbatteru no ka Hamutaro shippatteru no ka kaizoku hamuhamu
Will Hamutaro go for it? Will the Pirate Captain fail?
Dochira ga docchi de docchi ga dochira!
Which one, one or the other, which one?!
Docchi mo docchi de dochira mo dochira!!
Which, either or, to the which, which one!?

Lyric from Kykyosama and translation by Paradise Hamsubs

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